
Expressive Arts Therapy has emerged in the past several decades as an innovative approach toward health in our contemporary society.  Combined with traditional talk therapy, the arts (music, movement, visual art, poetry)  are incorporated into sessions to as a means to externalize that which we cannot put fully into words, explore issues, reveal themes and help create new healthy patterns in your life.  No previous movement or art experience needed. This is not about being an artist, but being in process and flow of creative intelligence. 

Creative expression invites self-reflection and dialogue that can lead to meaningful self-discovery, connection with others, and personal empowerment.  Studies have shown that the arts—particularly when integrated with mental health practices—can yield social, emotional, physical and cognitive benefits.  The nonverbal aspect of the arts transcends traditional barriers of age, ability, and culture and shared creative experiences build empathy and community, which expand possibilities for action and transformation. Read an article on art therapy here

Discover a creative and effective approach to cope with pain management, anxiety/stress, depression, trauma and addition.

Available for individual or group sessions.

INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: Clients Can Focus On An Issue Of Choice And Utilize Their Felt Sense And Art To Shed Light On The Matter, Revealing Steps To Resolving The Issue. Most often people feel lighter, clearer, with a renewed sense of wellbeing. 

GROUP SESSIONS: Clinical Group therapy utilizing the arts to explore topics of sobriety, addiction, recovery, trauma, resiliency, stress management and coping skills.